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Dreaming of Sharp Clothes in KOREAN! Why is that??

I understand that L.A. Women are a special breed, not just Jim Morrison of the DOORS raved about them in an iconic Song, no, because I turned into one MYSELF. A little bit against my will. You see, German or not, I once was a dyed-in-the-wool New Yorker, a gritty, pretty, unique, mind blowing City if there ever was one. Me & the City, we were an Item, in love, practically married, yet also having a tempestuous, passionate affair at the same time.

Well, in any event, I'm not by Birth or upbringing an L.A Woman, just in Spirit. And that was and still is enough for me - and apparently for the Koreans. So they picked me to complain to the Korean women and men from my classic age-group, which is, of course the BB (NOT Brigitte Bardot!) the BABY BOOMERS, about the Lack of cool Clothes in a Documentary. There are Millions and Millions of Boomers in the World - and they and us, and especially ME, want to really really dress smart, sharp, stylish, interesting, cutting edge, elegant, even witty - if they'd only let us!! Or let's say, at least support us. No such Luck!

I'm lucky, I can sew and I DO. I'm not dependent on any old designers' misshapen Ideas about Clothes and the Old Girl. Not that we are in their prayers or Designs. Obviously NOT! So we have to do it ourselves, I guess. And being the Priestess of Old Chic (I'm totally bragging here just for FUN) and also being very talkative - to put it mildly - and a Writer, I was chosen among a few more Fabulous Females. I did a bit of a rant, among other things accusing famous Female Designers over 65 not to make Clothes for their OWN generation, which is indeed puzzling for me.

So the Korean Team came over to my fancy Art-Deco Landmark Building and shot part of that 2-hour Documentary that ran a few weeks ago on Korean Cable. I have absolutely NO Idea what they are saying in the Doc. All I know is My Opinion. And I think and hope that it rings true with you all,


Here it is. Watch it!

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