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About Me

When I moved to Los Angeles - single, without a job but plenty of confidence, some people said, incredulously: "Really? LA? Wow! Good Luck!" They didn't dare say "at your age" (I'm 65 plus plus) into my face, of course. Apparently, it's a bold act to be blatantly gray in LA. So they wondered how I would hold up. Pretty darn well! This city, being the eternal fountain of youth (and dyed hair), has been a very interesting and surprising experience to walk around in with long gray hair (right here in Hollywood where I live). Being a classic boomer,  I  turned into a SOUL DETECTIVE, searching not only for life in a big city - but for the inner and outer beauty as well, how to look great and cool, how to be authentic, remain rebellious, honest, humorous, creative - how to be gray with pride, how to date!! How to still dream!  In the end this is not only a blog about a city, about age, or for women only - but little journeys, trials and tribulations, composed by life - underwritten by a generous grant from this strange, beautiful, mysterious, irritating, smart, superficial, trendy, multi-layered, grandiose, legendary underrated, very dark and very bright City of Angels. Of which I am one. Come join me.

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